Andrew Morgan



Andrew specialises in all aspects of development consenting, with a particular emphasis on securing planning permission for major residential led mixed-use schemes.
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About Andrew

  • Biography

    Andrew specialises in all aspects of development consenting, with a particular emphasis on securing planning permission for major residential led mixed-use schemes.

    He acts for most of the UK's largest house-builders and regularly advises them on:

    • Strategic planning and procedural matters;
    • Planning obligations and affordable housing;
    • Community Infrastructure Levy;
    • Environmental Impact Assessment;
    • Planning Enforcement.

    He also advises commercial clients on a wide variety of planning issues, including shopping centres and investment funds. 

    Andrew has significant experience in conducting major planning appeals and High Court statutory planning challenges.  

Sector Expertise
  • Real Estate

Service Expertise
  • Planning and Environment

Office Location

London Skyline


  • 25 Walbrook
  • London
  • EC4N 8AF

+44 (0) 207 242 1011

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