Ioan Davies

Legal Director


Ioan Davies has been advising public and private sector clients since 2002 on PFI/ PPP schemes.

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About Ioan

  • Biographie

    Ioan Davies has been advising public and private sector clients since 2002 on PFI/ PPP schemes and he has been the lead adviser to a number of our public sector clients for the procurement of their PFI programmes. He has significant experience in the following sectors: health (including NHS LIFT), education, prisons, waste, street-lighting, blue-light, social housing, and leisure.

    Examples of Ioan's involvement within the Health PFI sector include:

    • Advising the Trust on the St George's, Morpeth mental health hospital re-provision;
    • Acting as lead adviser to the successful bidder on the St Luke's Hospital, Middlesbrough scheme;
    • Advising in relation to a circa £2.5M capital value variation of an operational hospital facility;
    • Spending eighteen months on secondment to a facilities management contractor with a portfolio of operational NHS PFI projects. 

    He continues to provide advice to clients (a number of whom are now very long-standing) across sectors on delivery, and has gained significant experience of implementing material variations to existing PFI arrangements. This includes acting as lead adviser to the Ministry of Justice in relation to the recently completed variations of the three PFI schemes within the national prison expansion programme which had a combined value of in excess of £100M. 

    Ioan also has experience of advising on the refinancing of PFI schemes. He completed one refinancing in January 2016 where he acted for the public sector, and one in February 2016 where he acted under a joint mandate for the public sector and the project sponsors. 

    Ioan has for a number of years been recognised by Chambers UK as a leading Local Government lawyer.

Sector Expertise
  • Assurance

Service Expertise
  • Investissement et développement

  • Marine, énergie et transports

  • Droit public et contrôle juridictionnel

  • Contentieux de la propriété

Office Location


  • Maison St Pauls
  • 23 Park Square Sud
  • Leeds, LS1 2ND

+44 (0) 113 251 4700

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