Alistair Robertson
About Alistair
Alistair is a senior public lawyer with many years’ experience advising public and private sector bodies.
His core practice covers public, regulatory and commercial matters, including:
- Defensible decision-making: For example Alistair regularly advises NHS clients on requirements as to reasonableness, consultation, equalities and governance in relation to service reorganisation. In the education sector, Alistair recently worked with Julian Gizzi to conduct a review for Ofsted into alleged inspection irregularities;
- Implementing organisational change: For example, Alistair advises Post Office Limited on all public law matters relating to its Network Transformation and Crown Transformation programmes;
- Avoiding, bringing and defending judicial review: In early 2016, Alistair had conduct for NHS England of R (Keep Wythenshawe Special Ltd) v NHS Central Manchester CCG and Ors [2016] EWHC17 (Admin);
- Information law, including complex FOI or subject access requests and related challenges to the Information Commissioner, in the First tier-Tribunal and in the courts;
- Defending or challenging public procurement decisions: Alistair acts for claimants and defendants in procurement litigation, recent clients including insurers, NHS bodies, pharmaceutical companies and housing associations - he regularly takes cases to the Technology and Construction Court, and has advised on appeals to Monitor under the health-specific legislation.
Alistair is an expert on the devolution agenda, spending seven months on secondment with NHS England, advising exclusively on devolution, including:
- Working closely with Government lawyers on the Cities and Local Government Devolution Act 2016 as it passed through Parliament;
- Integral part of NHS England team working on Devo Manc programme;
- Helping shape NHS England’s approach to health and social care devolution;
- Gaining a deep understanding of the ways in which health and social care commissioners and providers can share functions and pool budgets using the new legislation;
- Gaining a thorough insight into the inner workings of NHS England.
He regularly advises on integrated health and social care projects, including a long relationship with North West London commissioners and providers, dating back to the Integrated Care Pilots in 2009 to the ongoing award-winning Whole Systems Integrated Care Programme.
In addition, Alistair has particular expertise in the information sharing arrangements required for integrated care programmes, having advised programmes in North West London, Lewisham and Greenwich, West Kent and Sutton amongst others.
"Interactions always useful and enjoyable. Excellent client service and care. Particular call out for Alistair Robertson, partner."
Healthcare, Legal 500 2023
"I receive absolutely outstanding support and advice from Alistair."
"Alistair is very calm, level-headed and strategic."
"He is very knowledgeable, responsive, thoughtful and user-friendly."
"Alistair is really clever, very hard-working and sensitive to all our issues. He is really impressive on healthcare judicial reviews as he knows the area extremely well."
Chambers and Partners 2023
Health and Social Care
MedTech and Digital Health
Data, Privacy and Cyber
Public law and judicial review
Office Location
