

Published 30 June 2022

50 predictions: Construction & Engineering

Welcome to the June edition of our Data And Cyber Bulletin, in which we share insight on the US class action against Zoom Video Communications, the recent High Court decision in Smith v TalkTalk, and the Spanish DPA’s EUR10m fine against Google LLC. In addition, we provide commentary on the challenges around attribution in the context of cyber war exclusion clauses, and the convergence of cyber and ESG.\nWe hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter. Please do contact the authors of this month’s newsletter content if you have any questions.
Welcome to the June edition of our Data And Cyber Bulletin, in which we share insight on the US class action against Zoom Video Communications, the recent High Court decision in Smith v TalkTalk, and the Spanish DPA’s EUR10m fine against Google LLC. In addition, we provide commentary on the challenges around attribution in the context of cyber war exclusion clauses, and the convergence of cyber and ESG.We hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter. Zoom – Class Actions Go InternationalWe provide commentary on the recently filed class action against Zoom Video Communications Inc where the proposed class includes all users of Zoom from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and/or the UK.Read moreSmith v TalkTalk Judgment Affirms Warren v DSGWe discuss the significance of the recent decision in Smith v TalkTalk in which the claimants’ misuse of private information (“MPI”) claim was struck out and Saini J confirmed that for a defendant to be found liable in MPI, there must be a positive act by the defendant.Read moreSpanish DPA issues its highest fine to date confirming the upward trend in fines imposed: Google LLC is the latest fined €10 millionWe consider the Spanish DPA’s highest fine issued to date against Google LLC, a data controller outside of the EU.Read moreA Problem Shared – Attribution Challenges in Cyber WarfareWe highlight the challenges of apportioning responsibility for a cyber operation to a state or non-state actor in the context of cyber war exclusion clauses.Read moreESG & Cyber – US SEC’s ESG Disclosure RequirementsWe provide insight into the recent vote by the US SEC in relation to ESG rule changes and the cross-over with cybersecurity.Read morePlease do contact the authors of this month’s newsletter content if you have any questions.
