Planning and Environment

Working within one of the largest real estate legal teams in the country our planning and environmental specialists stand out for their skill in delivering bespoke solutions tailored to your specific needs. We have a proven track-record for taking a solutions and results-based approach, answering your questions and anticipating the challenges you might face during the full life-cycle of development projects.


We are involved with regeneration and infrastructure projects nationally, as well as some of the UK's most ambitious mixed-use schemes – including Garden Villages. Our clients include investors, developers, social landlords, central and local government, universities and NHS Trusts.

We advise residential and commercial property clients on large strategic sites - providing guidance on site promotion to allocation, planning strategy, and conduct legal reviews of major planning applications.

We are known for our expertise in drafting and negotiating complex Section 106 agreements, including viability review mechanisms, to support the most complex multi-phase schemes – including for redevelopment of local authority owned land. We frequently represent clients at appeals/inquiries and deal with statutory planning challenges/Judicial Review.

We also regularly advise on a broad spectrum of planning legal issues - highways, enforcement, permitted development rights, compulsory purchase, legal solutions for Biodiversity Net Gain and a wide range of environmental liability matters.

Featured experience

  • Hyperscale Data Centre, Hertfordshire – advising on all legal planning aspects of a 4 year project to secure consent for Google's new UK data centre (33 acre site). DACB negotiated a bespoke infrastructure package with the local planning authority to secure outline approval with Section 106; also advising on complex highways/rights of way and enabling infrastructure issues supported by a multi-disciplinary DACB team including property, construction and tax specialists.
  • A waste management company, Buckinghamshire - advising on the impacts of the HS2 proposals on its operations. Our advice was instrumental in preparing the case for the relocation of railway sidings away from its site and on to a more environmentally beneficial site. We presented the evidence in the House of Commons on several occasions.
  • New Neighbourhood, South Gloucestershire - acted for one of three main developers of the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood area of South Gloucestershire with approximately 5,700 dwellings, c.50 hectares of employment land, open spaces, schools and community facilities. The matter included negotiation and drafting of s.106 Agreement with infrastructure contributions over the course of 25 years and setting up of a steering group comprising the Council and each main landowner to oversee expenditure and delivery of infrastructure by the Council.

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  • Je voulais juste partager une note rapide et vous faire savoir que vous faites un très bon travail. Je suis content d'avoir décidé de travailler avec vous. C'est vraiment formidable de voir à quel point vos sites Web sont faciles à mettre à jour et à gérer

    Ross Elder

  • Je voulais juste partager une note rapide et vous faire savoir que vous faites un très bon travail. Je suis content d'avoir décidé de travailler avec vous. C'est vraiment formidable de voir à quel point vos sites Web sont faciles à mettre à jour et à gérer

    Ross Elder

  • Je voulais juste partager une note rapide et vous faire savoir que vous faites un très bon travail. Je suis content d'avoir décidé de travailler avec vous. C'est vraiment formidable de voir à quel point vos sites Web sont faciles à mettre à jour et à gérer

    Ross Elder

Planning and Environment key contacts

Qui sommes-nous ?

Pourquoi choisir DAC Beachcroft ?

Nous sommes un cabinet commercial à large assise, au service d'un grand nombre de secteurs, avec un solide héritage dans les domaines de l'assurance, de la santé (
) et de l'immobilier. Nous combinons d'excellentes compétences juridiques et une expertise de pointe en matière d'exécution pour concevoir des solutions
qui répondent aux besoins de nos clients - souvent en utilisant intelligemment la technologie.