Health Infrastructure

Health infrastructure is key on the Government's agenda, pledging to build 48 new hospitals by 2030, committing to create a net zero NHS by 2040, providing funding to build new elective surgical hubs/units to provide elective recovery against the backlog in elective care and preparing for the expiry of Hospital PFIs.


Our highly experienced multi-disciplined national team of healthcare infrastructure lawyers have a deep understanding and knowledge of the healthcare sector.

We support a wide range of public and private clients on the whole project lifecycle, from structuring contracts and procurements through to expiry and beyond, with advice in relation to specialist areas, such as procurement, property & development, construction, planning, commercial, corporate and regulatory.

Examples of the service areas covered by our Healthcare Infrastructure team include:

  • PFI/PPP projects
  • NHS LIFT schemes
  • Strategic estate partnerships
  • Facilities management contracts/outsourcing
  • Design and build projects
  • Estate rationalisation and transformation
  • Corporate vehicles for healthcare projects
  • Land and leasing
  • Developer agreements
  • Energy Infrastructure projects/power purchase agreements
  • Supplier contracts and procurement
  • Procurement, including procurement challenges, competition and state aid.

Featured experience

  • Advising an NHS Foundation Trust on its infrastructure project to build a new hospital under the New Hospitals Programme (NHP), and providing advice to multiple NHS Trusts on the multi-party alliance based NHP Agreement
  • Assisting an NHS Foundation Trust on the 'reset' of its operational PFI project relating to the PFI estate condition in preparation for PFI expiry and handback
  • Advising an NHS Foundation Trust on its development of a new state-of-the-art pharmacy and sterile services facility using a forward funding model in conjunction with its strategic estates joint venture delivery partner
  • Assisting an NHS Foundation Trust on a number of PFI variations relating to the reconfiguration and refurbishment works at its PFI hospital and associated services delivery
  • Advising a number of NHS Trusts on their decarbonisation and energy efficiency projects under a range of delivery models, including the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme

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  • Je voulais juste partager une note rapide et vous faire savoir que vous faites un très bon travail. Je suis content d'avoir décidé de travailler avec vous. C'est vraiment formidable de voir à quel point vos sites Web sont faciles à mettre à jour et à gérer

    Ross Elder

  • Je voulais juste partager une note rapide et vous faire savoir que vous faites un très bon travail. Je suis content d'avoir décidé de travailler avec vous. C'est vraiment formidable de voir à quel point vos sites Web sont faciles à mettre à jour et à gérer

    Ross Elder

Health Infrastructure key contacts

Qui sommes-nous ?

Pourquoi choisir DAC Beachcroft ?

Nous sommes un cabinet commercial à large assise, au service d'un grand nombre de secteurs, avec un solide héritage dans les domaines de l'assurance, de la santé (
) et de l'immobilier. Nous combinons d'excellentes compétences juridiques et une expertise de pointe en matière d'exécution pour concevoir des solutions
qui répondent aux besoins de nos clients - souvent en utilisant intelligemment la technologie.