- DAC Beachcroft
- What we do
- Services
- Insurance
- D&O and Financial Institutions
D&O and Financial Institutions
We recognise the reputational, financial, and personal impact D&O claims can have for individuals, companies and their insurers. We offer pragmatic and focused solutions tailored to your needs. We work across both the UK and internationally with many leading investment and retail banks, as well as their insurers, to provide a full range of legal services from policy wordings through to claims strategy.
Related services

D&O and Financial Institutions
Our extensive experience from across the globe covers both financial institutions and commercial Director & Officers (D&O) matters.
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Directors and Officers
Our global D&O team has an established reputation advising insurers and reinsurers worldwide on all aspects of claims and issues affecting commercial entities and their directors and officers.
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Dispute Resolution
Our Dispute Resolution team has an established reputation for handling complex, high value commercial disputes and achieving successful and pragmatic solutions for our clients.
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Financial Institutions
Our global team has an established reputation advising insurers and reinsurers on all aspects of claims and issues affecting financial institutions.
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Our experienced team of offshore experts provide commercially focused advice to insurer clients concerning the most complex claims in the offshore market.
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What our clients say
They provide advice in a clear and precise way, laying out all the implications, without all the legal jargon. They are extremely professional but also friendly and approachable. They make you feel like you are their most important client!
Legal 500 2022 edition, Insurance: Corporate and Regulatory, London
Able to concentrate enormous effort and resource to achieve the right result under a tight timescale.
Legal 500 2022 edition, Insurance: Professional Liability, London
The team is very thorough and responsive.
Chambers & Partners 2022, Professional Negligence, London.
Calm, thoughtful and strategic.
Legal 500 2022 edition, Insurance: Professional Liability, London
Very knowledgeable, supportive and understanding.
Legal 500 2022 edition, Insurance: Professional Liability, London
Delightful, very responsive and on top of detail.
Chambers & Partners 2022, Professional Negligence, North West.
The team are always approachable and have an excellent understanding of insurance requirements. Additionally, they understand their clients' needs and work well with them.
Legal 500 2022 edition, Insurance: Professional Liability, South West.
D&O and Financial Institutions key contacts
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William Allison
Graham Briggs
Ian McConkey
William Naylor
Quiénes somos
¿Por qué elegir DAC Beachcroft?
Somos un bufete comercial de amplia base que presta servicios a una gran variedad de sectores, con una sólida herencia en seguros,
salud e inmobiliario. Combinamos excelentes conocimientos jurídicos y experiencia de vanguardia para diseñar soluciones en
que se adapten a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, a menudo con un uso inteligente de la tecnología.

DAC Beachcroft es reconocido como un asesor preeminente en el mercado de seguros, y ponemos un fuerte énfasis en las relaciones a largo plazo que construimos con usted para que realmente podamos agregar valor a su negocio.
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Sanidad y asistencia social
DAC Beachcroft está considerado líder del mercado en la prestación de asesoramiento jurídico corporativo, comercial y normativo a proveedores de servicios sanitarios.
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Con 170 abogados, somos uno de los mayores equipos jurídicos inmobiliarios del Reino Unido. Nuestra amplia red nos proporciona conocimientos y acceso a nivel nacional, regional y local.
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Servicios financieros
Asesoramos regularmente a diseñadores y fabricantes de productos, organismos comerciales y minoristas, distribuidores e inversores de capital riesgo que desean invertir en el sector de los servicios financieros.
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Como asesores de confianza desde hace muchos años en el sector tecnológico, ofrecemos soluciones pragmáticas e innovadoras que le permiten tomar decisiones informadas sobre la mejor manera de maximizar su éxito.
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Especialidades industriales
Combinamos nuestro profundo conocimiento del sector con una astuta conciencia comercial y un alcance mundial.
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