Christopher Stoate

Legal Director


Christopher specialises in helping UK and multinational corporate groups to navigate company law and governance requirements, manage the administration of corporate entities and to simplify corporate structures.
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About Christopher

  • Biographie

    Christopher specialises in helping UK and multinational corporate groups to navigate company law and governance requirements, manage the administration of corporate entities and to simplify corporate structures.

    He has over 15 years’ experience advising clients across a range of sectors including financial services, technology and manufacturing

    Recent experience includes advising:

    • A multinational manufacturing group on a project to implement a tax beneficial simplification of its UK group structure to remove no longer needed entities and reduce ongoing compliance costs.
    • An international financial services group on implementing a buy-out of its government entity joint venture partner.
    • A property development group on establishing special purpose vehicles and property management companies.
    • Liquidators of a UK subsidiary of an international electronics group on a solvent liquidation of the company and steps to address ongoing overseas litigation.
    • A multinational mining group on a wind-down of UK special purpose vehicles.
    • A international technology finance group on a capital restructuring to enable a return of capital and elimination of redundant entities.

    Christopher also has significant experience of advising insolvency practitioners, companies, directors and impacted parties on insolvency related matters.

Sector Expertise
  • Services financiers

  • Technologie

  • Fabrication

Service Expertise
  • Entreprises

  • Restructuration et insolvabilitĂ©

Office Location


  • DAC Beachcroft LLP
  • Portwall Place, Portwall Lane
  • Bristol, BS1 6NA

+44 (0) 117 918 2000

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