Mark Rivers
Mark regularly advises on the defence of high value personal injury and fatal accident claims. He handles cases up to and including the highest value catastrophic injury claims and also conducts inquests.
About Mark
Mark regularly advises on the defence of high value personal injury and fatal accident claims. He handles cases up to and including the highest value catastrophic injury claims and also conducts inquests.
His employer liability experience includes Work Related Upper Limb Disorders, Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Vibration White Finger, Asbestosis & Mesothelioma and other respiratory conditions. It also extends to a range of cases involving Falls from Height, Manual Handling/machinery related injuries and many injuries sustained on construction sites. He has a very wide range of experience in Public Liability cases and Road Traffic Accidents. Mark also advises on indemnity/coverage disputes and status/MIB issues.
Previously, he has been solely responsible for all of the personal injury litigation arising out of two major factory sites in Wiltshire and has advised one international energy company on a range of issues. In addition, Mark has advised on the defence of property litigation and property recovery cases.
Since 1997, Mark has spoken regularly at conferences on a diverse range of topics in the field of personal injury litigation, including an international conference on Psychological Injuries in Road Traffic Accidents. He regularly conducts training sessions for insurer clients and can assist with both auditing and file reviews. Recent examples of training sessions have included “the potential liability of Care Homes for injury claims” and “deprivation of liberty and the handling of claims involving amputations”.
Mark was responsible for conducting the following interesting cases:
- Mills-Davies v RSPB (2005) CLY 4196
- Smith v Fordyce [2013] EWCACiv 320
- British Telecommunications PLC v (1) EDF Energy PLC (2) South Eastern Power Networks PLC [2014] EWHC 932(TCC)
Mark holds a full motorcycle license and regularly drove Fork Lift Trucks to fund his way through University. Two facts which he finds assist him greatly in his day to day workload!
Mark was the Co-author of a chapter in the 'International Handbook of Road Traffic Accidents and Psychological Trauma: Current Understanding Treatment and Law'. Edited by Edward J. Hickling and Edward B. Blanchard and published in 2000.
Accidentes Lesiones
Resolución de litigios
Responsabilidad por grandes siniestros
Accidentes de tráfico
Responsabilidad por productos defectuosos, seguridad y retirada de productos
Office Location

- DAC Beachcroft LLP
- Portwall Place, Portwall Lane
- Bristol, BS1 6NA
+44 (0) 117 918 2000
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